Sales data of mini vehicles
January, 2002

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Total number of mini vehicles [(1) + (2)]

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to Jan. Occupation ratio
2002 (A) 2001 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 40280 44202 91.1 39298 102.5 73447 01/Mar. 40280 39298 102.5 33.4 33.4
DAIHATSU 35500 36300 97.8 34850 101.9 70234 01/Mar. 35500 34850 101.9 29.4 29.4
MITSUBISHI 17479 22442 77.9 17335 100.8 49969 97/Mar. 17479 17335 100.8 14.5 14.5
SUBARU 8921 13799 64.6 9803 91.0 37395 87/Mar. 8921 9803 91.0 7.4 7.4
HONDA 14716 24787 59.4 17580 83.7 39471 01/Mar. 14716 17580 83.7 12.2 12.2
MAZDA 3146 3014 104.4 3187 98.7 15183 63/Oct. 3146 3187 98.7 2.6 2.6
NISSAN *4 2 200.0

2 02/Jan. 4

0.0 0.0
SMART *470 426 110.3

426 01/Dec. 470

0.4 0.4
OTHERS 109 182 59.9 163 66.9

109 163 66.9 0.1 0.1
Total 120625 145154 83.1 122216 98.7 255135 00/Mar. 120625 122216 98.7 100.0 100.0

(1) Total number of mini vehicles ( Passenger vehicles )

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to Jan. Occupation ratio
2002 (A) 2001 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 29367 32335 90.8 25941 113.2 51734 01/Mar. 29367 25941 113.2 33.5 33.5
DAIHATSU 26217 25819 101.5 25162 104.2 51610 01/Mar. 26217 25162 104.2 29.9 29.9
MITSUBISHI 13203 16133 81.8 9664 136.6 28615 97/Mar. 13203 9664 136.6 15.1 15.1
SUBARU 3793 6088 62.3 5502 68.9 19878 96/Mar. 3793 5502 68.9 4.3 4.3
HONDA 12063 19687 61.3 13324 90.5 32579 01/Mar. 12063 13324 90.5 13.8 13.8
MAZDA 2554 2402 106.3 2569 99.4 7540 90/Dec. 2554 2569 99.4 2.9 2.9
NISSAN *4 2 200.0

2 02/Jan. 4

0.0 0.0
SMART *470 426 110.3

426 01/Dec. 470

0.5 0.5
OTHERS 21 20 105.0 39 53.8  
21 39 53.8 0.0 0.0
Total 87692 102912 85.2 82201 106.7 177075 00/Mar. 87692 82201 106.7 100.0 100.0

(2) Total number of mini vehicles ( Commercial vans / Pickup trucks )

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to Jan. Occupation ratio
2002 (A) 2001 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 10913 11867 92.0 13357 81.7 62666 89/Mar. 10913 13357 81.7 33.1 33.1
DAIHATSU 9283 10481 88.6 9688 95.8 53700 89/Mar. 9283 9688 95.8 28.2 28.2
MITSUBISHI 4276 6309 67.8 7671 55.7 39366 89/Mar. 4276 7671 55.7 13.0 13.0
SUBARU 5128 7711 66.5 4301 119.2 34441 87/Mar. 5128 4301 119.2 15.6 15.6
HONDA 2653 5100 52.0 4256 62.3 28465 89/Mar. 2653 4256 62.3 8.1 8.1
MAZDA 592 612 96.7 618 95.8 10139 63/Jun. 592 618 95.8 1.8 1.8
OTHERS 88 162 54.3 124 71.0

88 124 71.0 0.3 0.3
Total 32933 42242 78.0 40015 82.3 212113 89/Mar. 32933 40015 82.3 100.0 100.0

[INDEX Sales data of mini vehicles]