Sales data of mini vehicles
June, 2001

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Total number of mini vehicles [(1) + (2)]

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to june Occupation ratio
2001 (A) 2000 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 49870 42413 117.6 50465 98.8 73447 01/Mar. 299519 303730 98.6 29.8 30.8
DAIHATSU 44427 38524 115.3 45654 97.3 70234 01/Mar. 275867 280850 98.2 26.5 28.4
MITSUBISHI 19038 15902 119.7 22999 82.8 49969 97/Mar. 125947 146132 86.2 11.4 12.9
SUBARU 16607 12564 132.2 14274 116.3 37395 87/Mar. 90109 86303 104.4 9.9 9.3
HONDA 32797 17961 182.6 30382 107.9 39471 01/Mar. 157151 152219 103.2 19.6 16.2
MAZDA 3669 3234 113.5 3983 92.1 15183 63/Oct. 21072 23175 90.9 2.2 2.2
OTHERS 983 748 131.4 1037 94.8

3293 3687 89.3 0.6 0.3
Total 167391 131346 127.4 168794 99.2 255135 00/Mar. 972958 996096 97.7 100.0 100.0

(1) Total number of mini vehicles ( Passenger vehicles )

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to June Occupation ratio
2001 (A) 2000 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 32894 28768 114.3 34052 96.6 51734 01/Mar. 206117 207390 99.4 29.3 30.8
DAIHATSU 30509 26802 113.8 31220 97.7 51610 01/Mar. 197398 201161 98.1 27.2 29.5
MITSUBISHI 10674 9117 117.1 13164 81.1 28615 97/Mar. 73586 87256 84.3 9.5 11.0
SUBARU 8435 6529 129.2 7048 119.7 19878 96/Mar. 48706 47756 102.0 7.5 7.3
HONDA 26830 13540 198.2 23429 114.5 32579 01/Mar. 126718 122980 103.0 23.9 18.9
MAZDA 2956 2583 114.4 3131 94.4 7540 90/Dec. 16834 18515 90.9 2.6 2.5
OTHERS 24 36 66.7 42 57.1

213 207 102.9 0.0 0.0
Total 112322 87375 128.6 112086 100.2 177075 00/Mar. 669572 685265 97.7 100.0 100.0

(2) Total number of mini vehicles ( Commercial vans / Pickup trucks )

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to June Occupation ratio
2001 (A) 2000 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 16976 13645 124.4 16413 103.4 62666 89/Mar. 93402 96340 97.0 30.8 30.8
DAIHATSU 13918 11722 118.7 14434 96.4 53700 89/Mar. 78469 79689 98.5 25.3 25.9
MITSUBISHI 8364 6785 123.3 9835 85.0 39366 89/Mar. 52361 58876 88.9 15.2 17.3
SUBARU 8172 6035 135.4 7226 113.1 34441 87/Mar. 41403 38547 107.4 14.8 13.6
HONDA 5967 4421 135.0 6953 85.8 28465 89/Mar. 30433 29239 104.1 10.8 10.0
MAZDA 713 651 109.5 852 83.7 10139 63/Jun. 4238 4660 90.9 1.3 1.4
OTHERS 959 712 134.7 995 96.4

3080 3480 88.5 1.7 1.0
Total 55069 43971 125.2 56708 97.1 212113 89/Mar. 303386 310831 97.6 100.0 100.0

[INDEX Sales data of mini vehicles]