Sales data of mini vehicles
April, 2000
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Total number of mini vehicles [(1) + (2)]

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to Apr. Occupation ratio
2000 (A) 1999 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 45425 72894 62.3 46065 98.6 72894 00/Mar. 211878 206477 102.6 32.1 30.6
DAIHATSU 41297 70216 58.8 41617 99.2 70216 00/Mar. 196935 188035 104.7 29.2 28.4
MITSUBISHI 18530 42355 43.7 19484 95.1 49969 97/Mar. 104880 104186 100.7 13.1 15.1
SUBARU 11113 24156 46.0 14705 75.6 37395 87/Mar. 59171 63252 93.5 7.8 8.5
HONDA 21205 39107 54.2 19201 110.4 39107 00/Mar. 102163 88662 115.2 15.0 14.7
MAZDA 3081 5976 51.6 3838 80.3 15183 63/Oct. 15824 16650 95.0 2.2 2.3
OTHERS 949 431 220.2 983 96.5 @
1834 1786 102.7 0.7 0.3
Total 141600 255135 55.5 145893 97.1 255135 00/Mar. 692685 669048 103.5 100.0 100.0

(1) Total number of mini vehicles ( Passenger vehicles )

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to Apr. Occupation ratio
2000 (A) 1999 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 31628 49398 64.0 30569 103.5 49398 00/Mar. 145291 134564 108.0 32.5 30.1
DAIHATSU 29226 51514 56.7 25372 115.2 51514 00/Mar. 143430 118121 121.4 30.1 29.7
MITSUBISHI 11075 25316 43.7 13373 82.8 28615 97/Mar. 63547 70325 90.4 11.4 13.2
SUBARU 6182 13784 44.8 7688 80.4 19878 96/Mar. 33678 35636 94.5 6.4 7.0
HONDA 16636 32214 51.6 16614 100.1 32214 00/Mar. 83882 71045 118.1 17.1 17.4
MAZDA 2429 4811 50.5 3008 80.8 7540 90/Dec. 12692 12976 97.8 2.5 2.6
OTHERS 34 38 89.5 20 170.0

133 30 443.3 0.0 0.0
Total 97210 177075 54.9 96644 100.6 177075 00/Mar. 482653 442697 109.0 100.0 100.0

(2) Total number of mini vehicles ( Commercial vans / Pickup trucks )

This month Last month Comparison in % Same month last year Comparison in % Best sales record in past (year/month) Total from Jan. to Apr. Occupation ratio
2000 (A) 1999 (B) (A/B) This month This year
SUZUKI 13797 23496 58.7 15496 89.0 62666 89/Mar. 66587 71913 92.6 31.1 31.7
DAIHATSU 12071 18702 64.5 16245 74.3 53700 89/Mar. 53505 69914 76.5 27.2 25.5
MITSUBISHI 7455 17039 43.8 6111 122.0 39366 89/Mar. 41333 33861 122.1 16.8 19.7
SUBARU 4931 10372 47.5 7017 70.3 34441 87/Mar. 25493 27616 92.3 11.1 12.1
HONDA 4569 6893 66.3 2587 176.6 28465 89/Mar. 18281 17617 103.8 10.3 8.7
MAZDA 652 1165 56.0 830 78.6 10139 63/Jun. 3132 3674 85.2 1.5 1.5
OTHERS 915 393 232.8 963 95.0

1701 1756 96.9 2.1 0.8
Total 44390 78060 56.9 49249 90.1 212113 89/Mar. 210032 226351 92.8 100.0 100.0

[INDEX Sales data of mini vehicles]